HAML is a markup language that’s used to cleanly and simply describe the HTML of any web document without the use of inline code.
I have something like this in application.html.haml: #header = image_tag("header.jpg") How do I make that link …
ruby-on-rails hamlI have a Rails controller in which I am setting a instance variable - @user_name = "Some Username" In my .…
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 coffeescript haml slim-langHow can I do something like this in HAML (within Rails app such that it matters)? <li><…
ruby-on-rails hamlHow I can add checkbox with simple_form without association with model? I want to create checkbox which will handle …
ruby-on-rails haml simple-formI am learning Haml. My view files are like: show.html.haml: .content = render 'meeting_info', :locals => { :info => @…
ruby-on-rails haml partial-viewsNew to this tagging language, and I'm having trouble finding documentation mentioning how to work with images. An example or …
image hamlIn my Rails template, I'd like to accomplish final HTML to this effect using HAML: I will first <a …
ruby-on-rails hamlI have a rails project, the views only consist with HTML.ERB files, my client wants to convert ERB to …
ruby-on-rails haml erbI'm looking for a reliable way to convert a HAML template to an equivalent ERB/HTML template? Has anyone come …
ruby-on-rails haml converter