In my Rails template, I'd like to accomplish final HTML to this effect using HAML:
I will first <a href="">link somewhere</a>, then render this half of the sentence if a condition is met
The template that comes close:
I will first
= link_to 'link somewhere', ''
- if @condition
, then render this half of the sentence if a condition is met
You may, however, note that this produces a space between the link and the comma. Is there any practical way to avoid this whitespace? I know there's syntax to remove whitespace around tags, but can this same syntax be applied to just text? I really don't like the solution of extra markup to accomplish this.
A better way to do this has been introduced via Haml's helpers:
= surround '(', ')' do
%a{:href => "food"} chicken
(<a href='food'>chicken</a>)
= succeed '.' do
%a{:href=>"thing"} here
<a href='thing'>here</a>.
= precede '*' do
%span.small Not really
*<span class='small'>Not really</span>
I will first
= succeed ',' do
= link_to 'link somewhere', ''
- if @condition
then render this half of the sentence if a condition is met
I will first
<a href="">link somewhere</a>,
then render this half of the sentence if a condition is met