HAML is a markup language that’s used to cleanly and simply describe the HTML of any web document without the use of inline code.
In your professional experience have haml & sass proved to be useful? In which way?
haml sassHow would I format HAML to output a style similar to the conditional HTML tags used for cross-browser targeting? <!…
html hamlI have a fairly simple Rails remote form in HAML in a partial under shared/users: - remote_form_for :…
ruby-on-rails ajax forms haml rails-3-upgradeI hear about Haml as a templating engine mostly in the Ruby world. Can it also be used in Java …
java hamlThere are HTML-file that contains JavaScript code. This JavaScript code loads an image and positioning it in a certain place. …
ruby-on-rails ruby haml slim-langI use staticmatic for templates I use later with PHP. There is an odd situation where some tag attributes have …
html haml staticmaticInside of HAML, can we have a loop inside the :javascript region? This will work: - 10.upto(20) do |i| :javascript …
javascript ruby loops haml erbI am using authlogic-connect in Rails. I am using a simple haml template where i dont want to show the …
ruby regex authlogic haml ruby-on-rails-3Are there any template engines for Python with a syntax similar to Jade or HAML?
python haml pug