Top "H2" questions

H2 is a relational database management system written in Java.

SQL (Java, h2): What's the best way to retrieve the unique ID of the single item I just inserted into my database?

My current method is this: SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM DATAENTRY ORDER BY ID DESC This assumes the latest inserted item …

java sql jdbc h2 unique-id
Database "C:/data/sample" not found, and IFEXISTS=true, so we cant auto-create it - Error in Spring Boot

I have created a spring boot application to connect h2 database with it. While doing so, it throws an error …

spring-boot microservices pom.xml h2
H2 - How to truncate all tables?

I assume there is a way of doing this from code, at least some good workaround. Please consider that I …

sql database h2
Any easy way to generate a build script from an H2 database?

let's image that one creates an H2 database with table, indexes, etc... Is there an easy way to extract a …

database-replication h2 sql-scripts
Convert special String into Date in H2

There is a SQL function from Oracle to_date('26 Jul 2016, 05:15:58 AM','DD Mon YYYY, HH:MI:SS AM'), and …

sql oracle h2 sql-timestamp
How to use a persistent H2 database in the Play Framework instead of in-memory

The H2 database used in the Java Todo List tutorial is the following: db.default.driver=org.h2.Driver db.…

database playframework playframework-2.0 h2
H2 database console spring boot Load denied by X-Frame-Options

I`m building a skeletal project for dev with spring 4 boot security and others. Using H2 while attempting to log …

h2 spring-boot spring-4
Tests fail when executed from maven but not from Intellij

I'm writing my unit tests using JUnit, PowerMock, Spring Test and an in-memory H2 database. When I run the tests …

java maven junit h2 spring-test
H2 Database vs SQLite on Android

Because of the lack of Unicode support on the embedded SQLite database in Android I am mostly interested in performance …

android database sqlite embedded-database h2
Saving in-memory H2 database to disk

How can I save/load full embedded h2 in-memory database to some file or directory in binary mode for faster …

load save h2 embedded-database in-memory