Top "H2" questions

H2 is a relational database management system written in Java.

Convert MySQL script to H2

I have an init script for my MySQL database but for test purposes I wan't to use a H2 database. …

mysql sql h2
Function "TO_DATE" not found in H2 database

I have a SQL statement and trying execute with H2 in-memory database in Java. The following exception thrown. SQL: SELECT …

java sql h2 to-date
Spring-boot populate H2 database with schema.sql and data.sql

I set up Spring-boot to work with H2 in-memory database file is in the /config directory and it …

spring-boot h2 spring-jdbc
H2 and Oracle Compatiability issues

I am having an issue executing the following script using Flyway and H2 database. I assume its a Oracle compatibility …

oracle maven-3 h2 flyway
How to back up the embedded H2 database engine while it is running?

I would like to build up an web application with H2 database engine. However, I still don't know how to …

java database backup h2
Cannot browse a H2 database file?

I am creating a H2 database in my unit tests. The database uses the following properties: <bean id="dataSource" …

h2 dbvisualizer
Are there any reasons why h2 database shouldn't be used in production?

I am recently considering making an application that uses h2 database as its main database (because it comes with JBoss), …

database jboss h2
Insert into h2 table if not exists

I am using H2. I want to insert a value into a table if it does not exist. I create …

sql h2 insert-update
Spring: H2 Database persistence

My spring.datasource.driverClassName=org.h2.Driver spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:./src/main/resources/asnDB;DB_CLOSE_…

java spring persistence h2
How do I allow multiple users to connect to my H2 database simultaneously?

I am using H2 for database management, and this is what I would like to do: I would like to …

java sql database h2