H2 is a relational database management system written in Java.
I am using heruko to deploy my application when i am trying to load my h2 console using heruko it …
java spring-boot spring-data spring-data-jpa h2I have an error while some sql statements in H2 database. Those sql statements come from a Hibernate SchemaExport : Here …
hibernate jdbc h2 schemaexportEither I'm missing some core concept buried deep within some documentation (Spring, Spring Boot, H2, HSQLDB, Derby, IntelliJ) or I've …
spring intellij-idea spring-boot h2H2 has a range of compatibility modes for various other databases such as MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc that …
java spring h2 embedded-databaseI am having problems with creating an in memory table, using H2 database, and accessing it outside of the JVM …
database jdbc embedded-database h2I'm trying to associate a list of function (whom Embeddable) within my Employee Entity and H2 seems unhappy with this …
java hibernate h2 embeddableI'm coding acceptance tests with Cucumber, and I want to use a H2 database for the tests. The application-test.properties …
spring-boot testing h2 flyway acceptanceI am trying to create table having different indexes with single query but H2 gives Error for example: create table …
sql indexing h2