Top "H2" questions

H2 is a relational database management system written in Java.

Defining a Foreign key constraint in H2 Databases

I am new in coding so I made a tables in SQL server and it worked, so i used the …

sql database foreign-keys h2
How to connect to specific Schema in H2

So I have created a few schema in H2. How can I connect to a specific schema in H2 For …

java h2
h2 (embedded mode ) database files problem

There is a h2-database file in my src directory (Java, Eclipse): h2test.db The problem: starting the h2.…

java h2
Stored Procedure in H2 Database

I am new to database and recently started writing test cases for H2 database. I want to know how to …

java stored-procedures h2
H2 postgresql mode seems not working for me

Hi my application accesses Postgres database and I have many predefined queries(Rank,Parition,complex join etc) I fire against …

java postgresql jdbc h2
Any idea on H2 (Oracle MODE) "Syntax error : SELECT NEXTVAL FROM[*] DUAL"?

I have the following error using H2 (v1.3.154) with Oracle mode : <bean id="datasource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.…

hibernate h2
how to create new database in H2?

I have a site running locally on MySQL i want to run it on H2 database. I have just run …

h2 railo
How reliable is h2 database?

When I ask this question, I see that the current version of H2 database was released on 07-01-2011 (very …

How to access *.mv.db file of H2 database?

I have created database with my own program and it appeared as file. But when I tried …

java persistence h2 dbvisualizer
How to create stored procedure using H2 database?

Has anyone tried to create stored procedures using the H2 database?

database stored-procedures h2