I`m building a skeletal project for dev with spring 4 boot security and others. Using H2 while attempting to log into the db console and manage my db i get the following error. The page is blank, with 4 bugs in firebug konsole :
Load denied by X-Frame-Options: http://localhost:8080/console
With links to
/header.jsp?jsessionid=f71207a702c9177e57208414721bbe93 does not permit framing.
/query.jsp?jsessionid=f71207a702c9177e57208414721bbe93 does not permit framing.
/help.jsp?jsessionid=f71207a702c9177e57208414721bbe93 does not permit framing.
/tables.do?jsessionid=f71207a702c9177e57208414721bbe93 does not permit framing.
The configuration i am using is from (and it works on spring 3.2 with xml configuration)
spring boot default H2 jdbc connection (and H2 console)
Using : spring-boot-starter-parent 1.1.4.RELEASE
It's also possible to simplify the answer from @chrosciu with this:
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {