Top "Greendao" questions

greenDAO is an object/relational mapping (ORM) tool for Android.

Green DAO vs ORM lite vs Active Android

Which is the best ORM tool available for Android? I am seeing ORMlite and ActiveAndroid are the most discussed across …

android ormlite greendao activeandroid droidparts
GreenDAO schema update and data migration?

I'm evaluating GreenDAO for consideration in a commercial Android app I will be working on and wanted to determine the …

android greendao
Connection pool has been unable to grant a connection to thread

I'm using GreenDAO for database handling in Android. When performing many database changes (> 15.000) I get this error Message: The …

android sqlite greendao
greenDao Schema Upgrade

I have seen another question about schema upgrade/migration using green dao (here) There are lots of links in that …

android orm greendao
GreenDao Android Studio

I'm looking for a clear step-by-step explanation on how to import GreenDao in Android Studio. I've used it before in …

android android-studio greendao
ORM performance: is greenDAO faster than ORMLite?

I've been using ORMLite in my application and I was considering whether to move to greenDAO. Performance is a huge …

android performance sqlite ormlite greendao
Background thread locking UI for several seconds

I'm experiencing a weird issue. I have my app's 2-way sync code running inside a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. The code iterates over …

java android multithreading performance greendao
How to clean/delete greenDao database

Currently I'm doing it like this: DaoMaster.dropAllTables(getDb(), true); DaoMaster.createAllTables(getDb(), true); but then, when I'm trying to …

android sqlite greendao
SQLiteFullException: database or disk is full (code 13) GreenDao

how to solving SQLiteFulException in greenDao when I delete record from table? this is my stacktrace : android.database.sqlite.SQLiteFullException: …

android android-sqlite greendao
How to create database from Assets in Android using GreenDao ORM library

I am using GreenDao orm library for creating database, it works good with the First sample for Creating Database, from …

android orm dao greendao