Green DAO vs ORM lite vs Active Android

Ravi G picture Ravi G · Dec 3, 2012 · Viewed 32.3k times · Source

Which is the best ORM tool available for Android?

I am seeing ORMlite and ActiveAndroid are the most discussed across and a friend of mine suggested me to use GreenDAO. So looking for some knowledge resource which can help me in Decision Making?

Features I am looking to judge are freely available (open source), good documentation, active forums, stable version available, etc, which ever required for developer.


R World picture R World · Dec 3, 2012

I would suggest ORMlite its open source freeware & has good documentation also it support java as well as android.

It has good developer support & many application running on ORMlite (Including I have developed :) ).

check this comparison of ORMLite & Green DAO for your referance.