Top "Activeandroid" questions

ActiveAndroid is an active record style ORM (object relational mapper) for Android.

Green DAO vs ORM lite vs Active Android

Which is the best ORM tool available for Android? I am seeing ORMlite and ActiveAndroid are the most discussed across …

android ormlite greendao activeandroid droidparts
SecurityException: Failed to find provider null for user 0; on ActiveAndroid on Android 8.0

I have an app that is using ActiveAndroid and it's been working fine. However; now when I try to save …

android securityexception activeandroid android-8.0-oreo
ActiveAndroid Update() query

I'm trying to make a bulk update to a column using ActiveAndroid. Here's my code: new Update(SomeModel.class).set("…

android android-sqlite activeandroid
Gson and Active Android: Attempted to serialize java.lang.Class. Forgot to register a type adapter?

I'm using Gson to serialize an Active Android model. The model class contains only primitives, and Gson should have no …

android gson activeandroid
How to update table with activeandroid after adding a new column

thank you for reading and helping :) I am using ActiveAndroid 3.0 - Android 2.2 - In my app I have a model …

android database android-sqlite activeandroid
ActiveAndroid Update and Delete from table

Hi guys so I'm trying to test how to use databases in android as part of one of my classes, …

android activeandroid
ActiveAndroid SQLite exception 'No such table'

I'm having a problem with active-android. I at trying to fetch user location, number of passengers and general direction. I …

java android database sqlite activeandroid