greenDAO is an object/relational mapping (ORM) tool for Android.
I have a List of Strings each String is a unique identifier for a item persisted through GreenDao. How do …
android greendaoCurrently I am creating the greenDAO DB connection in a class (which opens the connection in every static method) and …
android greendaoI have 2 tables A and B. Table A contains names and table B contains selected names. Now I would like …
android sql greendaoI've chosen greenDAO because it's site states that it's one of the fastest ORM systems for android. To my dissapointment …
android greendaoMy project my directory looks like this: -project -someModule -mainProjectModule -src -main -java (all of my code) I am trying …
android-studio code-generation greendao generated-codeHow do I execute "select distinct ename from emp" using GreenDao I am trying to get distinct values of a …
greendaoI have two entities, User and Store. User has many Stores (1:M) relation. I've inserted some stores list into the …