Top "Graphing" questions

A diagram that exhibits a relationship, between two sets of numbers as a set of points having coordinates determined by the relationship.

Plotting in R; cannot be coerced to double error

I am trying to plot a and b, each consisting of 7500 data points. However when I tried plot(x,y), …

r graphing
Treat axis as date/time (epoch)

I'm generating a graph with gnuplot of activity over the last twenty four hours, but the time axis looks really …

gnuplot graphing epoch
Cannot get minor grid lines to appear in matplotlib figure

Ok so I have the code below for real-time graphing some data from an embedded device received over serial. It's …

python numpy matplotlib pyserial graphing
How do I control the tick label size in flot

I have a basic bar chart I'm presenting in flot (5 bars, displaying the % per status). $.plot($("#placeholder"), [ { label: 'Failed', data: [[0,10]], …

flot graphing
Cubic spline extrapolation

I have a nice cubic spline code but it is for interpolation only. I need to extrapolate just a little …

plot interpolation spline graphing extrapolation
Free C# Grid/Graph component

Can anyone recommend a free grid/graphing component for C#/.NET? I'm having a look at NPlot right now, but …

c# .net graphing
R + ggplot : Time series with events

I'm an R/ggplot newbie. I would like to create a geom_line plot of a continuous variable time series …

r ggplot2 visualization graphing
Setting axis intervals in ggplot

I have searched for this and can't believe I can't find it. Perhaps I've been asking the wrong question. I …

r ggplot2 visualization graphing
Java plotting library like python's matplotlib

I am looking for a java plotting library that might be as good as matplotlib is for python. I have …

java plot graphing
creating stacked histogram with pandas dataframes data python

I am trying to create a stacked histogram with data from 2 or more uneven pandas dataframes? So far I can …

python matplotlib pandas graphing