Top "Graphing" questions

A diagram that exhibits a relationship, between two sets of numbers as a set of points having coordinates determined by the relationship.

matplotlib set yaxis label size

How can I change the size of only the yaxis label? Right now, I change the size of all labels …

python matplotlib label graphing
How to label scatterplot points by name?

I am trying to figure out how to get labels to show on either Google sheets, Excel, or Numbers. I …

excel google-sheets numbers graphing
Matplotlib - Move X-Axis label downwards, but not X-Axis Ticks

I'm using Matplotlib to plot a histogram. Using tips from my previous question: Matplotlib - label each bin, I've more …

python matplotlib graphing
Matplotlib - label each bin

I'm currently using Matplotlib to create a histogram: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot ... fig = pyplot.…

python matplotlib visualization histogram graphing
Putting newline in matplotlib label with TeX in Python?

How can I add a newline to a plot's label (e.g. xlabel or ylabel) in matplotlib? For example, plt.…

python plot graphing matplotlib
Matplotlib log scale tick label number formatting

With matplotlib when a log scale is specified for an axis, the default method of labeling that axis is with …

python numpy matplotlib graphing
Any examples of Flot with floating tooltips?

I am currently working on a Flot graph, the API which seems pretty powerful overall, although examples of advanced use …

javascript jquery javascript-events flot graphing
Setting `axes.linewidth` without changing the `rcParams` global dict

So, it seems one cannot do the following (it raises an error, since axes does not have a set_linewidth …

python matplotlib plot graphing
gnuplot vs Matplotlib

I've started on a project graphing Tomcat logs using gnuplot-py, specifically correlating particular requests with memory allocation and garbage collection. …

python logging matplotlib gnuplot graphing
grouped bar graph

I have the following data: bin groupname total_dist 0 rowA 377 0 rowA 306.6 0 rowB 2.1 0 rowB 110.6 1 rowA 918.1 1 rowA 463.2 1 rowB 798.2 1 rowB 1196 2 rowA 1295.1 2 rowA 1269.1 2 rowB 698 2 …

r graphing