Top "Flot" questions

Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery with a focus on simple usage, attractive looks and interactive features.

How do I make a div full screen?

I am using Flot to graph some of my data and I was thinking it would be great to make …

javascript jquery html css flot
jquery flot xaxis time

In this example in xaxis will compare the days... $.plot($("#placeholder"), data, { yaxis: {}, xaxis: { mode: "time",minTickSize: [1, "day"],timeformat: "%d/%…

jquery flot
Any examples of Flot with floating tooltips?

I am currently working on a Flot graph, the API which seems pretty powerful overall, although examples of advanced use …

javascript jquery javascript-events flot graphing
Flot With "String" x-axis

When using flot I would like to have a string based x-axis. For example I have a list of customers "…

Axis label in Flot

Does anyone know how one can set the label or title of an axis in Flot? I've read the API …

javascript flot
Invalid dimensions for plot, width = 0, height = 400 inside of hidden tab

I have this error when I insert charts in hidden tabs like second, third, etc. here is the error: Invalid …

jquery css twitter-bootstrap charts flot
jQuery multidimensional object with multidimensional arrays

Im trying to build a somewhat advanced "Flot" jQuery pluging graph. For that, I need a multidimensional object (or at …

jquery flot
Linear Regression in Javascript

I want to do Least Squares Fitting in Javascript in a web browser. Currently users enter data point information using …

javascript jquery statistics flot linear-regression
How to json_encode php array but the keys without quotes

I'm trying to plot (with Flot) a pie chart with some data var data = <?php echo json_encode($data)?&…

php javascript arrays flot json
Flot library setting up y axis to min 0 and max 24

How can i set up my y axis to be in the range of 0 to 24 Here is the code i …

javascript jquery flot