Flot With "String" x-axis

Chris Muench picture Chris Muench · Apr 28, 2011 · Viewed 54.2k times · Source

When using flot I would like to have a string based x-axis. For example I have a list of customers "Bob", "Chris", "Joe" and would like to plot their revenue on the Y-Axis. (this is a bar graph)

It seems at first glance flot only supports numeric types on the x-axis. Is this true?


Ryley picture Ryley · Apr 28, 2011

@Matt is close, but it would make more sense to just use the ticks option to directly specify what ticks should have what labels:

var options = {

  xaxis: {
    ticks: [[0,'Bob'],[1,'Chris'],[2,'Joe']]


EDIT: it looks like this (I added more data than labels, but you get the idea).