Top "Graphing" questions

A diagram that exhibits a relationship, between two sets of numbers as a set of points having coordinates determined by the relationship.

Using errorbar() with semilogy() in MATLAB?

I'd like to plot data x & y with errorbars, ebar, and its fit, yfitted, on a semilog plot. This …

math matlab plot graphing
Calculating the slope of a series of values

I have 2 arrays of equal length. The following function attempts to calculate the slope using these arrays. It returns the …

java math graphing
R plot filled.contour() output in ggpplot2

I want to plot this figure created with filled.contour(), but in ggplot2, how do I do this? I want …

r ggplot2 contour graphing
Updating dataSet with flot resets data

I've got a flot chart that I want to dynamically update via AJAX. I can render the chart initially, but …

jquery charts flot graphing
Update Lines in matplotlib

I have a graph with multiple data sets on it. I need to continually redraw these lines, each separately, as …

python matplotlib refresh graphing
jQuery Flot data/axis labels on top of graph

Is there a way to overlay the x-axis and y-axis numeric labels onto a jQuery Flot graph. So, I want …

jquery label flot graphing
How can I make a stepline or stepped chart in chart.js or D3?

I'm able to accomplish this in Google Spreadsheets, below is a screenshot: Here's the small dataset in CSV Buy PPU,…

javascript d3.js graphing chart.js
Python plotting error bars with different values above and below the point

Warning: I'm very new to using python. I'm trying to graph data using error bars but my data has different …

python python-3.x plot graphing distinct-values
Render OxyPlot graph in Windows Form

I would like to dock an OxyPlot graph in my windows form and graph the function y = 2x - 7. I …

c# winforms controls graphing oxyplot
Draw square with polar coordinates

I have a square, where the closest points are 1 unit away from the center. See my ascii diagram below: +-----------+ | | | …

javascript math trigonometry graphing