Top "Glassfish-3" questions

GlassFish is an open source, production-ready, Java EE-compatible application server.

Consuming local EJB, in the same Container but different ears

I'm triying to consume a Local EJB in the same Glassfish, but different ears. But Glassfish can't found the local …

java jakarta-ee ejb ejb-3.0 glassfish-3
JavaEE 6: How to inject JMS Resource in a standalone JMS client?

I can't get javax.jms.ConnectionFactory injected into my standalone JMS client. I get a java.lang.NullPointerException at connectionFactory.…

jms java-ee-6 glassfish-3 message-driven-bean
Call Methods Asynchronous in EJB

I try to save the result of a login process for statistics to the database asynchronously to save time during …

jakarta-ee asynchronous ejb-3.0 glassfish-3 ejb-3.1
Make EJB call with timeout

I have an EJB A that invokes EJB B. The UI should not wait for more than 30 seconds for a …

jakarta-ee timeout glassfish-3 ejb-3.1
EJB - Lookup failed for 'ejb/BookRequestBean'

I am new to EJB, and was trying "Hello World" type of EJB Java program. Here is my EJB: package …

java jakarta-ee ejb ejb-3.0 glassfish-3
Can't start glassfish v3 on windows 7

I have glassfish v3 on windows 7 installed, but it won't start on 8080. I get typical dead page when I go …

windows glassfish-3
How to inject a Session Bean into a Message Driven Bean?

I'm reasonably new to Java EE, so this might be stupid.. bear with me pls :D I would like to …

glassfish cdi java-ee-6 ejb-3.1 glassfish-3
Path to a file in a webapp under GlassFish

How do I specify the path to a file in a web application? I have a folder named 'templates' under …

web-applications glassfish application-server glassfish-3 web-container
Glassfish v3: Can't Deploy MessageDriven Bean - Missing Destination JNDI Name

I am trying to deploy an ear that contains an EJB jar. The jar only contains one MDB class: package …

jakarta-ee deployment glassfish-3 message-driven-bean