Make EJB call with timeout

lili picture lili · Jan 18, 2012 · Viewed 14k times · Source

I have an EJB A that invokes EJB B. The UI should not wait for more than 30 seconds for a response. If some data is missing, it should return a partial response.

How can I define a timeout (time limit of 30 seconds) on EJB B?

I can define EJB B as Asynchronous that returns Future, and then do Future.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS). But is it the best solution?

thank you

P.S. I use glassfish 3.1


Olof Åkesson picture Olof Åkesson · Jan 18, 2012

I would suggest using the transaction timeout for this.

I don't think there is a standard way of configuring it so it would depend on the application server. I assume you want to set it specifically per class or method.

For WebLogic you can specify it in "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml" in the "transaction-descriptor" or use the annotation "@TransactionTimeoutSeconds".

For JBoss AS you could set the transaction timeout using the annotation "@TransactionTimeout" or in "jboss.xml".

I am sure there are similar configuration options in every application server.