Top "Glassfish-3" questions

GlassFish is an open source, production-ready, Java EE-compatible application server.

Why do I keep getting Converting HEAP to MyISAM on my mysql server

We've been having some issues with our MySQL server intermittently. It keeps throwing out a lot of these queries concurrently (…

java mysql glassfish-3
Glassfish thinks jdbcRealm is actually fileRealm

I configured a new jdbcRealm in Glassfish 3.1.1 and turned on FINEST logging and I get the following when I try …

glassfish security glassfish-3 jdbcrealm
Java EE 6 - Embedded container EJB tests

This questiong is regarding Java EE 6, using glassfish v3 embedded-all. I have a unit test that uses EJBContainer to test …

jakarta-ee jndi java-ee-6 glassfish-3 glassfish-embedded
Customizing an Elastic Beanstalk AMI

I need to use on Elastic Beanstalk a Java application written for Glassfish server. Beacuse of Amazon doesn't let me …

amazon-web-services glassfish glassfish-3 amazon-ami amazon-elastic-beanstalk
WAR doesn't get redeployed in Glassfish from autodeploy

I was able to deploy my WAR the first time I placed it under domains/domain1/autodeploy dir. However, after …

deployment glassfish-3 autodeploy
How to create custom 404 messages in JSF 2.0?

Currently in my app when a user types some illegal destination in the URL bar, sees this: I would like …

java jsf jsf-2 glassfish glassfish-3

I am using the Update Tool that is part of the GlassFish Server v3. I received the following error: Update …

jakarta-ee glassfish-3
JAX-RS failed to inject @EJB or @Inject

I'm trying to test a minimal JAX-RS + EJB/CDI injection mechanism and currently hitting a road-block due to GlassFish unable …

jakarta-ee ejb glassfish-3 jax-rs inject
Glassfish Deploy CommandException Error

I want to deploy my application to glassvish v3 with asadmin deploy command however I get an error: com.sun.…

exception deployment glassfish-3
Glassfish AppServer or JBoss AppServer which is better for Production Environment?

I would like to know about pros and cons of glassfish server and jboss (glassfish v3 vs jboss 7.0) in using …

glassfish glassfish-3 jboss7.x application-server