Top "Glassfish-3" questions

GlassFish is an open source, production-ready, Java EE-compatible application server.

TypedQuery instead of normal Query in JPA

Is it possible to write this Query as a TypedQuery and let the two Long's run into a Object with …

jakarta-ee jpa glassfish-3 jpql
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00002b2f7e9b2744, pid=28778, tid=1138739520

I am getting the following error while executing the program. And this is not always happening. The code contains some …

java jakarta-ee garbage-collection jvm glassfish-3
Web applications starts on port 8080, where can I change it?

I have Netbeans IDE version 6.8, and Glassfish version 3. My glassfish listener is set to port 81, but when I try to …

glassfish-3 netbeans6.8
WARNING: Provider com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.ContextFactory not found

I have integrated within a JSF app a few webservices through Jersey. Everything works fine, even the OAuth identification is …

java jaxb jersey glassfish-3
The Eclipse plugin cannot communicate with the GlassFish server, status is :CREDENTIAL_ERROR

I am able to start Glassfish through command line. However, when I try to start the server through Eclipse I …

How can I increase memory allocated to GlassFish?

I would like to increase my memory allocation to my GlassFish instance. Could anyone please help me out. Your answer …

java glassfish-3
Best way to deploy on Glassfish V3

What is the best way to deploy my web project (or ear project) to remote server and glassfish? How to …

jakarta-ee glassfish deployment glassfish-3
OpenSSO/OpenAM alternatives

Warning! I'm on a bit of a fishing trip here, and I'm not even sure if the questions that I'm …

java soa glassfish-3 opensso openam
eclipse error: glassfish\domains\domain1 does not exist

I have java ee6 web profile sdk & I am using eclipse ee. I installed Glassfish plugin for eclipse using …

eclipse jakarta-ee glassfish-3
LoginException: Login failed: Security Exception

I am attempting to setup container managed security with GlassFish v3.1.1 Build 12 and JSF 2.1. I keep getting the following exception …

glassfish security glassfish-3 jaas jdbcrealm