Top "Glassfish-3" questions

GlassFish is an open source, production-ready, Java EE-compatible application server.

Glassfish debug from command line

I'm running Glassfish on a remote machine. Is there a command to start GF in debug mode from the command …

Apache ProxyPass and Sessions

So I'm using Apache to proxy a specific folder to a Glassfish instance. The rules in my conf are: ProxyPass /…

apache session glassfish-3 mod-proxy
What does "org.hibernate.DuplicateMappingException" error mean?

I'm trying to force JPA/Hibernate to generate and use only lowercase tablenames. I've implemented a NamingStrategy like this: public …

java hibernate jpa java-ee-6 glassfish-3
HTTP and HTTPS port

I have created a J2EE application that runs on GlassFish, HTTPS enabled. When the user typed http: //www.mydomain.…

How do I access Glassfish V3 Administration Console Website from a remote host

I have installed Glassfish v3 on a standalone server running ubuntu-server 9.10. I can open the Admin website if I use …

java jakarta-ee glassfish application-server glassfish-3
Will it be possible to use Java 8 on Glassfish 3?

We currently use Glassfish 3 and I really want to use Java 8. I tried upgrading to Glassfish 4, but I experienced two …

java glassfish glassfish-3
Context path for web application on Glassfish

I'm trying to find a way to explicitly specify the context path of a web application being deployed to Glassfish …

java jakarta-ee glassfish glassfish-3
JSF Add to selectOneMenu from a List<School>

I have a List object which hold School.Id, School.Name, and School.Address . I need to list all the …

java jsf netbeans glassfish-3 selectonemenu
Admin port configuration not found' error while setting up Glassfish config in IntelliJ

When setting up Glassfish in IntelliJ IDEA I get the following Error message ´Admin port configuration not found´. Now I …

intellij-idea glassfish-3
Java path error while installing glass fish 3.1.2

I installed JDK 7 update 5 (64 bit) on my server(Server has 64 bit windows OS). Set the environment path. When i do …
