Apache ProxyPass and Sessions

caspermc picture caspermc · Dec 30, 2011 · Viewed 17.7k times · Source

So I'm using Apache to proxy a specific folder to a Glassfish instance. The rules in my conf are:

ProxyPass /folder http://localhost:28083
ProxyPassReverse /folder http://localhost:28083
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /folder http://localhost:28083

It's working fine, except for the sessions. For every subfolder a new session is created.

So while I stay in one folder, the session persists, but as soon as I jump into another folder a new session is made.

How can I have one session for all subfolders?


cdauth picture cdauth · Dec 18, 2015

As covener already mentioned, the second parameter of ProxyPassReverseCookiePath should be a path. Be aware that the parameters are switched compared to the other directives, so in your case it would be:

ProxyPassReverseCookiePath / /folder

(Technically, this should not be necessary for it to work, as cookies from the path / are also available in /folder/, but it might cause them to interfere with the cookies of other web applications that you are running on the same domain.)

In addition, you might want to transform the cookie domain as well (unless you access your application only through http://localhost/folder/):

ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain localhost example.com

example.com is the domain over which your web application is accessed.