Top "Geojson" questions

GeoJSON is an open format, based on JSON, for encoding geographic data.

Invalid character after object key - What is an object key in geojson?

I am importing the following text file to geojson: {"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{type":"LineString","coordinates":[[-122.029517,37.976152]]},"properties":{"…

json mongodb parsing geojson mongoimport
How to define JSON Schema for Map<String, Integer>?

I have a json : { "itemTypes": {"food":22,"electrical":2}, "itemCounts":{"NA":211} } Here the itemTypes and itemCounts will be common but not the …

json schema geojson jsonschema json-schema-validator
Saving and restoring geometries in OpenLayers

Context: I'm a just-hours-old newbie at OpenLayers, please be gentle. Fundamentally, I have a map with some drawn objects on …

json persistence geospatial openlayers geojson
GeoJSON MultiPolygon with multiple holes

Below I have what I'd expect is a way to create a GeoJSON MultiPolygon object with one polygon in it …

polygon geojson
Loading GeoJSON layers from Geoserver to Leaflet Map based on the current bounding box

Currently, I have over 25000 points for my map. When I load all the points the map is extremely slow. Therefore, …

leaflet geojson geoserver bounding-box
Emulate click on leaflet map item

Having the Leaflet Choropleth tutorial i have to emulate a click event on a specific map area. For example: i …

javascript leaflet geojson
Leaflet.js - Fit geoJSON co-ordinates on map view

I have a leaflet.js map that has points and linestrings on it that come from an external JSON file. …

javascript geojson
Where to find the UK's regions map on GeoJSON format

I am trying to get the uk's regions map,, on GeoJSON format …

svg geojson
zoom to geojson polygons bounds in Google Maps API v3

I'm loading geojson from a Postgis-database and want to display it on my map. After drawing a polygon, I want …

google-maps-api-3 geojson
Convert lat long into geojson object

How can i convert my lat and long value into geojson object. I work on php platform.

php json geometry geojson