Top "Geojson" questions

GeoJSON is an open format, based on JSON, for encoding geographic data.

Store GeoJSON polygons in MongoDB

I have the following problem with MongoDB. I got some geo data from my home country and i have to …

mongodb indexing geo geojson
leaflet js: draw POIs as canvas

I want to draw many geo points with Leaflet. Therefore I want to use HTML5 canvas to improve the performance. …

javascript canvas geojson leaflet
Leaflet: Circle behaving different from CircleMarker

In the documentation for Leaflet here: it says that CircleMaker extends Circle, and that …

javascript geojson leaflet
topoJSON for congressional districts

Has anyone seen a topoJSON file for U.S. congressional districts? Alternatively, if I can locate the coordinates or a …

How do I get the area of a GeoJSON polygon with Python

I have the GeoJSON { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [[13.65374516425911, 52.38533382814119], [13.65239769133293, 52.38675829106993], [13.64970274383571, 52.38675829106993], [13.64835527090953, 52.38533382814119], [13.64970274383571, 52.38390931824483], [13.65239769133293, 52.38390931824483], [13.65374516425911, 52.38533382814119]] ] } } ] } which displays as …

python geojson pyproj
Uncaught InvalidValueError: not a Feature or FeatureCollection

After seeing a recent video by the Google Devs I decided to do a regional map of the UK. There …

google-maps google-maps-api-3 maps geojson
Geojson to shapefile using Python

I'm trying to convert a geojson file into a shapefile. I'm trying this way (I'm very new to Python so …

python geojson shapefile
JS leaflet: How to pass (Geo-)json ID to on click event?

My django web app should do the following: Pass a Geojson object to a view, map the points with leaflet …

javascript onclick leaflet geojson
D3.js - how to add zoom button with the default wheelmouse zoom behavior

So I got a worldmap with mouse zoom using the default d3.behavior.zoom() and limits to prevent the map …

javascript d3.js geojson topojson world-map
topojson.object in topojson V1

I am having a lot of fun playing with topojson, but it looks like topojson.object is undefined in V1 …

d3.js geojson topojson