Top "Geojson" questions

GeoJSON is an open format, based on JSON, for encoding geographic data.

Export a folium map as a png

I'm working with a map created using python, folium, and geojson, similar to this one. However, instead of this image …

python geojson folium
Is it possible to determine if a GeoJSON point is inside a GeoJSON polygon using JavasScript?

Is it possible to determine whether a GeoJSON point at a given lat,lon lies within a given GeoJSON polygon …

javascript d3.js geojson topojson point-in-polygon
Creating Infowindows on features loaded via loadGeoJson()

I apologize if this is basic, but I have very limited javascript knowledge. I'm making a map that loads GeoJSON …

javascript google-maps-api-3 infowindow geojson
Leaflet: Update GeoJson filter?

I would like to populate a GeoJson layer with data and then dynamically filter what features to show. I have …

javascript leaflet geojson
How to import Geojson file to MongoDB

Since Geojson is actual json I thought i could to use mongoimport to load data into my MongoDB database from …

mongodb geospatial geojson
Where can I get the .geojson file for India and not separate files for each state/territory or any other distinction?

Does India have a .geoJSON file? I want to make data visualization using d3.js for the states, cities and …

javascript d3.js geojson qgis topojson
How to make a GeometryCollection in GeoJSON with a single point + polygon?

How do you add a point to a polygon as a single feature? According to the GeoJson specs, this is …

leaflet mapbox geojson
How to set the zIndex layer order for geoJson layers?

I would like to have certain layers to be always on top of others, no matter in which order they …

leaflet z-index mapbox geojson
Transform GeoJSON to SVG with Javascript

Is there a ready-to-use Javascript plugin that thansforms a GeoJSON string into a SVG string? A rendering engine, as Tempo, …

javascript svg rendering geojson
Mongodb find query with $near and coordinates not working

I'm trying to make use of some geolocation functionality in mongodb. Using a find query with $near doesn't seem to …

mongodb coordinates geojson 2dsphere