Top "Geoserver" questions

GeoServer is the reference implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) standards, as well as a high performance certified compliant Web Map Service (WMS).

The infamous java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found

I'm trying to add a database-enabled JSP to an existing Tomcat 5.5 application (GeoServer 2.0.0, if that helps). The app itself talks …

postgresql tomcat jdbc geoserver
PostGIS - convert multipolygon to single polygon

Is it possible to import a shape file containing multipolygons into single polygon in PostGIS? Whenever I try importing a …

postgresql postgis geoserver
How to change Port 8080 on Apache Tomcat on Linux Centos 6.5 server to the Default?

I want to remove switch from port 8080 on my Apache Tomcat on Linux server CentOS 6.5 to the default. On My …

linux apache tomcat geoserver
CORS - Tomcat - Geoserver

All, I am trying to get CORS enabled on Tomcat 7.0.52 for Geoserver. I modified web.xml in conf in tomcat, …

tomcat cross-domain tomcat7 cors geoserver
cURL with user authentication in C#

I want to do the following cURL request in c#: curl -u admin:geoserver -v -XPOST -H 'Content-type: text/xml' \ …

c# .net authentication curl geoserver
Geoserver fails One or more listeners failed to start

I am running GeoServer 2.7.1 on Tomcat 7.0.62 on OS X 10.10. I have installed Tomcat with Homebrew and copied the GeoServer 2.7.1 war …

tomcat7 osx-yosemite geoserver
Loading GeoJSON layers from Geoserver to Leaflet Map based on the current bounding box

Currently, I have over 25000 points for my map. When I load all the points the map is extremely slow. Therefore, …

leaflet geojson geoserver bounding-box
How to get list of layers from geoserver

Is it possible to get a list of all the layers served by geoserver? I.e. is there some specific …

Display Map like OpenStreetMap

I like the way OpenStreetMap display its map. It almost looks like Google Map. I have already installed GeoServer and …

postgis openlayers openstreetmap geoserver
How can you load maps from Geoserver using https?

How would I go about configuring Geoserver to only load from an https address? I have been combing the web …

java tomcat geoserver