Top "Json-schema-validator" questions

A JSON Schema validation implementation in pure Java, which aims for correctness and performance

Read file from resources folder in Spring Boot

I'm using Spring Boot and json-schema-validator. I'm trying to read a file called jsonschema.json from the resources folder. I've …

java spring spring-boot json-schema-validator
JSON Schema definition for array of objects

I've seen this other question but it's not quite the same, and I feel like my issue is simpler, but …

json jsonschema json-schema-validator
Json schema validation in Spring REST APIs

I’m building a REST API using Spring Boot and [jackson-module-jsonSchema] ( for JSON schema generation. …

java rest spring-mvc spring-boot json-schema-validator
Referencing a local relative file in a JSON Schema?

I am building a JSON for a REST web service. The schema however has grown to over 1300 lines and I …

java json jsonschema json-schema-validator
How to define JSON Schema for Map<String, Integer>?

I have a json : { "itemTypes": {"food":22,"electrical":2}, "itemCounts":{"NA":211} } Here the itemTypes and itemCounts will be common but not the …

json schema geojson jsonschema json-schema-validator
In JsonSchema, the format value should be set as "full-date" or "date"?

You may use jsonSchemaLint for testing purposes. I have this JsonSchema, which sets format as "full-date". All Draft-6 validators (Json.…

json jsonschema rfc json-schema-validator
json-schema-validator custom message

I am using json-schema-validator2.2.6 library to validate my json against json schema. The problem is that it gives generic error …

json jsonschema json-schema-validator
JSON schema $ref does not work for relative path

I have 3 schemas: child schema: { "title": "child_schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "wyx":{ "type": "number" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["wyx"] } parent schema: { "…

json jsonschema json-schema-validator
Json schema dynamic key validation

Facing an issue with schema validation. schema : { "type": "object", "$schema": "", "id": "#", "required": true, "patternProperties": { "^[A-Z0…

jsonschema json-schema-validator
What is the difference between "anyof" and "oneof" in z schema?

Its looking like both works fine with my input validation code. Then what is the exact difference? Schema with oneof [{ "…

json validation jsonschema json-schema-validator