Top "Gem" questions

RubyGems is a package management tool for the Ruby programming language.

How to see the dependency tree just from Gemfile?

I am getting the following error when doing bundle install Make sure that `gem install couchbase -v '1.3.3'` succeeds …

ruby gem bundler
Unable to install curb gem

It gives me the error of gem install curb Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing …

ruby ubuntu curl gem ubuntu-12.10
Rails Engine - Gems dependencies, how to load them into the application?

I'm doing an engine here, it works alright in stand alone. When I transform it into a gem, and load …

ruby-on-rails-3 dependencies gem rails-engines
Error installing debugger-linecache in Ruby 1.9.3

I need version 1.0.1 of debugger-linecache for a project, and I am facing the following error when trying to install. trunk ☺ …

ruby rubygems gem ruby-1.9.3
Rails + Twitter Bootstrap: File to import not found or unreadable: twitter/bootstrap

I am trying to set up Rails app with Twitter Bootstrap (the gem twitter-bootstrap-rails), but I still cannot get over …

ruby-on-rails ruby twitter-bootstrap gem twitter-bootstrap-rails
cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError) || deploy on Ubuntu 12.04 x32

I try to deploy my rails app with Nginx, passenger on Ubuntu 12.04 x32. after all things is done, I visit …

ruby-on-rails nginx gem rubygems passenger
Error launching Rails server: undefined method 'configure'

I'm new to rails and working through Hartl's tutorial. Everything was fine until I tried to do the tutorial a …

ruby-on-rails gem
Ruby Gem - LoadError

Ruby newbie here trying to figure out how to use a Gem and thus far the experience is not that …

ruby gem mysql2
Gem install hangs indefinitely

Background: I'm a designer that works well with HTML, CSS, and JS. But when it comes to setting up my …

ruby gem installation rvm
Ruby mysql2 gem compiled for wrong mysql client library version

After updating MySQL to 5.5 using apt-get, the mysql2 gem stopped working. Here's the error: Incorrect MySQL client library version! This …

mysql ruby gem mysql2