Top "Gem" questions

RubyGems is a package management tool for the Ruby programming language.

Overriding a module method from a gem in Rails

The will_paginate gem is broken on my version of Oracle. The default paginate_by_sql method in the WillPaginate …

ruby-on-rails ruby gem will-paginate
Installing mysql2 gem for Ruby on Rails with Mac OSX 10.6

I am having a problem installing the mysql2 gem. This comes up when I do gem install mysql2: Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ Mark$ …

mysql ruby-on-rails ruby osx-snow-leopard gem
Where does bundler store gems?

I know that when using gem install, the gem will be stored under /home/username/.rvm/gems/, under which gemset …

ruby gem rvm bundler gemset
"gem install therubyracer -v '0.10.2'" on osx mavericks not installing

Trying to install therubyracer on mavericks using "gem install therubyracer -v '0.10.2'" but i am getting the following error: /…

ruby-on-rails macos gem therubyracer osx-mavericks
How do I require a specific version of a ruby gem?

Specifically, the ruby-oci8 gem. I have both 1.0.7 and 2.0.4 installed. I want 1.0.7. I can just require oci8, but I don't get …

ruby version gem oci8
RVM: List all gems in current gemset ignoring global & default

Looking for something like gem list within an RVM gemset but to have it ignore gems in the global and …

rubygems gem rvm gemset
ERROR: Error installing capybara-webkit:

Any suggestions on how to fix? gem install capybara-webkit -v '0.11.0' Building native extensions. This could take a while... …

ruby-on-rails ruby gem capybara capybara-webkit
How to get a specific "commit" of a gem from github?

I'm using rails_admin, and since it is in (very) active development, bugs turn up every now and then. There …

ruby-on-rails-3 gem
Import Excel into Rails app

I am creating a small rails app for personal use and would like to be able to upload excel files …

ruby-on-rails spreadsheet gem
What can I do about a Bundler::GemfileNotFound error?

I just installed bundler-1.3.3 successfully. However, when I try to run bundle install I get Bundler::GemfileNotFound What is wrong …

gem rvm bundler gemfile