RubyGems is a package management tool for the Ruby programming language.
When I type gem install sass I get the following error message C:>gem install compass ERROR: Could not …
ruby-on-rails ruby gem installation compassI am trying to encorporate bcrypt-ruby, v. 3.0.1. I enter the gem in my gem file as follows: gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '3.0.1…
ruby-on-rails gem bundler bcrypt bcrypt-rubyTrying to install Foundation after installing nodejs, ruby, and git plus bower. I keep getting the following error and I …
ruby gem installation zurb-foundationI am currently building a RoR project that requires the mysql2 gem. I successfully installed the gem. Because it is …
ruby-on-rails ruby gem rubygems mysql2I need a gem for creating a Blog in my rails Application. We can write a whole bunch of our …
ruby-on-rails gem blogs redclothGetting "Could not install gems:no SDK specified" when trying to run any command such as starting the rails server. …
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