Top "Gem" questions

RubyGems is a package management tool for the Ruby programming language.

ArgumentError (too few arguments): when calling format.json on rails 4.04

When executing format.json{render json: {}, status: :ok} in Rails 4.0.4, I get the following error: ArgumentError (too few arguments): Although …

ruby-on-rails json ruby-on-rails-4 ruby-on-rails-3.2 gem
will_paginate JSON support?

I wonder if anyone could please tell me if will_paginate can support JSON out of the box or if …

ruby-on-rails ruby json gem will-paginate
Error installing pg gem on osx

I am on osx 10.6.7 trying to run bundle install on a new rails 3.0.7 app and it keeps failing when trying …

ruby-on-rails ruby macos gem pg
Delayed_job: how to use handle_asynchronously to work with a function?

The function is: def createuser(name,pass,time) puts name,pass,time end I try: handle_asynchronously :createuser("a","b","…

ruby ruby-on-rails-3 gem delayed-job
Ruby gem for finding timezone of location

I have a location (city, state), date, and time and I want to convert it to utc, but need to …

ruby web-services timezone gem location
Why is my rake call causing an 'undefined method `source_index`' error?

I am trying to run bundle exec rake db:migrate then encountered the following error. bundle exec rake db:migrate …

ruby-on-rails gem rake ruby-1.9 ruby-on-rails-2
OS X Mountain Lion: gcc-4.2 No such file or directory

Tried to install a gem on Mountain Lion and make couldn't find gcc-4.2: kamil$ gem install posix-spawn -v '0.3.6' …

ruby gcc gem makefile osx-mountain-lion
Error on starting application Bundler::GemNotFound

I have just started a new app but am getting this error when I click the 'about your application's environment' …

ruby-on-rails gem bundler rack rack-pow
I can't run "bundle update" because of "mysql2" gem

I have this in the Gemfile: gem 'mysql2' But when I run bundle update, I get this error message: …

mysql ruby-on-rails ruby gem gemfile
How do I check that all the dependencies of my installed Ruby gems are satisfied?

I must be missing something because last night I was astonished to find that googling for check gem dependencies and …

ruby dependencies gem verification