Top "Will-paginate" questions

Ruby pagination library

will_paginate undefined method `total_pages'

What am I missing here? I am using the haml_scaffold generator and the pages work fine with will_paginate. …

ruby-on-rails will-paginate
Ruby on Rails will_paginate an array

I was wondering if someone could explain how to use will_paginate on an array of objects? For example, on …

ruby-on-rails pagination will-paginate
Overriding a module method from a gem in Rails

The will_paginate gem is broken on my version of Oracle. The default paginate_by_sql method in the WillPaginate …

ruby-on-rails ruby gem will-paginate
How to Implement ajax pagination with will_paginate gem

I am using will_paginate gem in my ROR project to show the records in pages. I want the next …

ajax ruby-on-rails-3 will-paginate
Paginating an Array in Ruby with will_paginate

I have an array @level1 which looks like this : [[3.0, 4, 2], [2.0, 48, 3], [2.1, 56, 4], ............] I want to apply pagination on this array such each page …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 will-paginate kaminari
Undefined method `paginate'

I'm trying to use the will_paginate gem but something's wrong. I'm stuck with an undefined method `paginate' error. I …

ruby-on-rails will-paginate
Will Paginate Rails 3 Per Page

I am trying to limit the number of elements returned with mislav's will paginate with Rails 3. I am currently using: # …

ruby-on-rails will-paginate
Rails 4 pagination, will_paginate vs. Kaminari using with bootstrap3

I understand Kaminari perform well with Rails3 reading this article: Rails 3 pagination, will_paginate vs. Kaminari, but how about with …

ruby-on-rails twitter-bootstrap pagination will-paginate kaminari
Getting total result count from Rails query using will_paginate

I get a list of objects from my Rails app, and use will_paginate to page as usual, and then …

ruby-on-rails will-paginate
will_paginate JSON support?

I wonder if anyone could please tell me if will_paginate can support JSON out of the box or if …

ruby-on-rails ruby json gem will-paginate