Rails 4 pagination, will_paginate vs. Kaminari using with bootstrap3

tkymtk picture tkymtk · Jan 29, 2014 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

I understand Kaminari perform well with Rails3 reading this article: Rails 3 pagination, will_paginate vs. Kaminari, but how about with Rails4? Also, when stylizing them with Bootstrap3, which gem is easier solution?


Richard Peck picture Richard Peck · Jan 29, 2014

In my experience, there is very little difference between Kaminari & Will Paginate - it's mainly a personal choice as to which you use (rather like Paperclip / Carrierwave or Mac / Windows)

In terms of compatibility, both gems work natively with Rails 4


In reference to Bootstrap, I think you're asking the wrong question

Bootstrap is a CSS framework, which has no bearing on the backend functionality of your app

Bottom line is you're going to have to call the pagination methods from your controller, and so the differences of the systems will only be cosmetic. If you use Bootstrap to stylize them, you'll have to do the same with either gem

So the choice is yours!