Ruby pagination library
me again... I need show 10 or 20 or 50 results number of results per page with a select options in my list …
ruby-on-rails will-paginateI'm trying to use will paginate with ajax, but I don't show the will_paginate buttons... instead I use a …
ruby-on-rails ruby ajax will-paginateSo, when using Sphinx searches are limited to 1000 results. But, if there are more than 1000 results pagination links generated by …
ruby-on-rails ruby pagination will-paginateI am using will_paginate "2.3.15" for my rails app in my units_controller.rb def index @units = Unit.paginate(:all ,:…
ruby-on-rails will-paginateIn my Rails application I want to use the will_paginate gem to paginate on my SQL query. Is that …
ruby-on-rails will-paginate find-by-sqlI have a current implementation of will_paginate that uses the paginate_by_sql method to build the collection to …
ruby-on-rails ruby pagination will-paginate