Top "Gemset" questions

Gemset refers to the RVM (Ruby Version Manager) feature that gives a self-contained environment for gems, i.e. a container one can use to keep gems separate from each other.

Where does bundler store gems?

I know that when using gem install, the gem will be stored under /home/username/.rvm/gems/, under which gemset …

ruby gem rvm bundler gemset
RVM: List all gems in current gemset ignoring global & default

Looking for something like gem list within an RVM gemset but to have it ignore gems in the global and …

rubygems gem rvm gemset
Create .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset with rvm

Is there a way to create the associated .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files when creating a new gemset? With older versions …

ruby-on-rails ruby rvm gemset
Why does Passenger says that my gem 'json' can't be found, when my gem list shows it?

I got the following error message with phusion passenger for Ruby on Rails on my Apache server : It looks like …

ruby-on-rails-3.2 rvm passenger gemset