A Rails engine allows you to share common functionality across applications in the form of a gem or a plugin.
Can someone help me understand the differences between a Rails Engine and a Mountable app? In Rails 3.1, you can create …
ruby-on-rails-3 ruby-on-rails-plugins rails-engines ruby-on-rails-3.1I'm creating a new engine for a rails 3 application. As you can guess, this engine is in the lib directory …
ruby-on-rails reload rails-engines ruby-on-rails-3I'm doing an engine here, it works alright in stand alone. When I transform it into a gem, and load …
ruby-on-rails-3 dependencies gem rails-enginesI had tried in this way: s.add_dependency 'gem', :path => '../gem' like add gem in the gemfile, …
ruby-on-rails plugins dependencies rails-engines gemspecsI'm making a small rails engine which I mount like this: mount BasicApp::Engine => "/app" Using this answer I …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 mount rails-engines named-routingI have multiple rails applications talking to the same backend and I'd like them to share some migrations. I setup …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 rails-enginesI'm building an engine I've bundled as a gem (gmaps4rails). I copied the /public of my engine in the /…
ruby-on-rails-3 static assets rails-enginesI have a Rails 3 application with several engines containing additional functionality. Each engine is a separate service that customers can …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 url-routing rails-routing rails-enginesI've created a Rails Mountable App and added 'mongoid' and 'rspec' gem's. If I try to run my specs now …
rails-engines mongoid3I started making a Rails 3.1 engine, and I'm having a hard time testing it using rspec. First of all, if …
ruby-on-rails rspec ruby-on-rails-3.1 rspec-rails rails-engines