Top "Ftp-client" questions

is for questions dealing with the clients used for the file transfer protocol.

Schedule automatic daily upload with FileZilla

I would like to use FileZilla to automatically upload PDFs to my GoDaddy hosted site daily, replacing the previous day's …

automation upload sftp ftp-client filezilla
Secure FTP with

Is there a way I can implement a secure FTP with If not, what …

java ftp sftp apache-commons ftp-client
FTPClient - Java, upload file

I'm trying to do a VERY simple file upload. I want a Java FTPClient that can upload any file I …

java ftp ftp-client apache-commons-net
How to set up FTP on Azure VM

I need some help setting up FTP on my Azure VM instance. The VM is Windows Server 2012 R2. I have …

iis azure ftp iis-7.5 ftp-client
FTP response 421 received. Server closed connection

I am writing a JAVA code to traverse FTP Location using Apache Commons Net FTPClient and getting output in an …

java ftp ftp-client connection-timeout socket-timeout-exception
FTP "ls -lt" command: How does it list the file details for Linux FTP and Windows FTP server?

I am writing FTP client that should work for at least Windows and Linux FTPs. BUt before I proceed, I …

linux ftp ftp-client ftpwebrequest ftp-server
FtpClient storeFile always return False

Please figure this out. The code runs properly without any exception. try { FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient(); ftp.connect(server); if(!…

java ftp ftp-client apache-commons-net
Error in "MLSD" command While Connecting FTP to Server

I have a Web Hosting Server with Full Access of Settings. I am a Web Developer, so FTP is my …

ftp connection ftp-client
How to copy a file on the FTP server to a directory on the same server in Java?

I'm using Apache Commons FTP to upload a file. Before uploading I want to check if the file already exists …

java ftp client-server ftp-client apache-commons-net
FTP client server model for file transfer in Java

Well, I am trying to implement the ftp server and ftp client in Java. I am trying to receive a …

java network-programming file-transfer ftp-client ftp-server