Top "Ftp-client" questions

is for questions dealing with the clients used for the file transfer protocol.

How to import

In Eclipse, the following import... import; ...produces the following error message... The import org.…

java eclipse import ftp-client apache-commons-net
GnuTLS error -110: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated

I observed that one of my Windows Services was not connecting to an FTP location on a Unix Server, I …

c# unix ftp ftp-client
How does Dropbox work?

How does Dropbox work? Is it just an FTP client with an easy-to-use web interface and support for many plarforms? …

dropbox ftp-client
Apache Commons FTPClient.listFiles

I am using in one of my applications to work with a FTP server. …

java apache-commons ftp-client
Apache Commons Net FTPClient and listFiles()

Can anyone explain me what's wrong with the following code? I tried different hosts, FTPClientConfigs, it's properly accessible via firefox/…

java apache-commons ftp-client
Apache Commons FTPClient Hanging

We are using the following Apache Commons Net FTP code to connect to an FTP server, poll some directories for …

java ftp ftp-client apache-commons-net
Setting connect timeout for FtpClient

When using ftpClient.connect with an existing host who has no ftp service active, timeout occurs only after 5 minutes, which …

java ftp-client apache-commons-net
delete all files in a folder at FTP using ftp batch script

Have batch script as follows: >>ftp.txt open >>ftp.txt username >>…

batch-file ftp ftp-client
LFTP active mode with servers that do not recognize the PORT command

I am using LFTP to transfer files from a server, which unfortunately does not recognize the PORT command. I do …

ftp ftp-client lftp
FileZilla Connection timed out, Error Connecting to Server

I am having an issue with FileZilla, when I try access my FTP account, I get this: Status: Connecting to …

ftp-client filezilla request-timed-out