I have a Web Hosting Server with Full Access of Settings. I am a Web Developer, so FTP is my daily use for updating a website. I am using a FTP client, After setting the server information, when i tried to connect, i recived an error while FTP client had send "MLSD" commant to server.
Here is the client LOG:
Status: Resolving address of si****.co (edited)
Status: Connecting to 74.208.***.***:21... (edited)
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3e Server (ProFTPD) [74.208.***.***] (edited)
Command: USER si***** (edited)
Response: 331 Password required for si*****
Command: PASS ********
Response: 230 User si***** logged in
Command: SYST
Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
Command: FEAT
Response: 211-Features:
Response: MDTM
Response: MFMT
Response: TVFS
Response: UTF8
Response: MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
Response: MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
Response: LANG en-US*;fr-FR;it-IT;ja-JP;ko-KR;ru-RU;zh-CN;zh-TW;bg-BG
Response: SIZE
Response: 211 End
Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
Response: 200 UTF8 set to on
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is the current directory
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Type set to I
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (74,208,*,*,149,88).
Command: MLSD
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing
I don't know what is going wrong. My other FTP accounts for different servers is working good on the same FTP Client Software..
I've recently stumbled upon this issue too. I found none of the solutions I found within the first Google searches to be of no use, but luckily found a solution of my own...
In Site Manager change Encryption to "Only use plain FTP", mine were previously "Use explicit FTP over TLS if available".
FYI, the previous fixes I tried were: