Top "Fragment-shader" questions

A GPU program used in rendering.

Fragment shader and coloring a texture

I'm trying to make sense of adjusting texture colors with a fragment shader. My fragment shader is super simple: uniform …

opengl opengl-es opengl-es-2.0 glsl fragment-shader
Gaussian Blur - standard deviation, radius and kernel size

I've implemented a gaussian blur fragment shader in GLSL. I understand the main concepts behind all of it: convolution, separation …

image-processing glsl shader gaussian fragment-shader
Drawing a border on a 2d polygon with a fragment shader

I have some simple polygons (fewer than 20 vertices) rendering flat on a simple xy plane, using GL_TRIANGLES and a …

opengl-es opengl-es-2.0 glsl fragment-shader vertex-shader
How to access automatic mipmap level in GLSL fragment shader texture?

How do I determine what mipmap level was used when sampling a texture in a GLSL fragment shader? I understand …

opengl textures glsl fragment-shader mipmaps
Creating a Gradient Color in Fragment Shader

I'm trying to achieve making a gradient color as the design apps (Photoshop for example) does, but can't get the …

glsl webgl fragment-shader
Texture and color together in GLSL?

I cant figure out, how to get with OpenGL ES 2.0 similiar Results to OpenGL ES 1.1. I want to use actually …

alpha opengl-es-2.0 blending fragment-shader
Finding the pixel color in a specific coordinate from a sampler2D using GLSL

I have a 3D object in my scene and the fragment shader for this object receives a texture that has …

opengl glsl fragment-shader
Uniform versus attributes in GLSL ES

I have some parameters being passed from CPU to GPU that are constant for all fragments but which change on …

glsl fragment-shader opengl-es-1.1
Why do I need to define a precision value in webgl shaders?

I'm trying to get this tutorial to work but I ran into two issues, one of which is the following. …

three.js glsl webgl shader fragment-shader
OpenGL Blend Modes vs Shader Blending

I'm currently doing some research on OpenGL and Shaders but I can't seem to figure out if there are any …

opengl shader fragment-shader