FLOPS (FLoating point Operations Per Second): a unit of measurement used to quantify the performance of the implementation of a numerical algorithm.
How can the theoretical peak performance of 4 floating point operations (double precision) per cycle be achieved on a modern x86…
c++ assembly x86-64 cpu-architecture flopsI'm confused on how many flops per cycle per core can be done with Sandy-Bridge and Haswell. As I understand …
cpu intel cpu-architecture avx flopsI've been asked to measure the performance of a fortran program that solves differential equations on a multi-CPU system. My …
performance benchmarking flopsHow do I measure FLOPS or IOPS? If I do measure time for ordinary floating point addition / multiplication , is it …
c++ performance benchmarking flopsA decade or two ago, it was worthwhile to write numerical code to avoid using multiplies and divides and use …
floating-point x86 mips numerical-computing flopsI have been looking for quite a while and cannot seem to find an official/conclusive figure quoting the number …
cpu intel cpu-architecture flops nehalemWhat is FLOPS in field of deep learning? Why we don't use the term just FLO? We use the term …
performance deep-learning flopsrun_meta = tf.RunMetadata() enter codwith tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess: K.set_session(sess) with tf.device(…
deep-learning keras flopsI am having a hard time grasping how to count FLOPs. One moment I think I get it, and the …
matlab floating-point counting flopsI've been trying to get a standardized estimate of FLOPS across all of the computers that I've implemented a Python …
python flops