How to measure FLOPS

Madhumitha B picture Madhumitha B · Feb 18, 2012 · Viewed 20.3k times · Source

How do I measure FLOPS or IOPS? If I do measure time for ordinary floating point addition / multiplication , is it equivalent to FLOPS?


angainor picture angainor · Sep 6, 2012

FLOPS is floating point operations per second. To measure FLOPS you first need code that performs such operations. If you have such code, what you can measure is its execution time. You also need to sum up or estimate (not measure!) all floating point operations and divide that over the measured wall time. You should count all ordinary operations like additions,subtractions,multiplications,divisions (yes, even though they are slower and better avoided, they are still FLOPs..). Be careful how you count! What you see in your source code is most likely not what the compiler produces after all the optimisations. To be sure you will likely have to look at the assembly..

FLOPS is not the same as Operations per second. So even though some architectures have a single MAD (multiply-and-add) instruction, those still count as two FLOPs. Similarly the SSE instructions. You count them as one instruction, though they perform more than one FLOP.

FLOPS are not entirely meaningless, but you need to be careful when comparing your FLOPS to sb. elses FLOPS, especially the hardware vendors. E.g. NVIDIA gives the peak FLOPS performance for their cards assuming MAD operations. So unless your code has those, you will not ever get this performance. Either rethink the algorithm, or modify the peak hardware FLOPS by a correct factor, which you need to figure out for your own algorithm! E.g., if your code only performs multiplication, you would divide it by 2. Counting right might get your code from suboptimal to quite efficient without changing a single line of code..