Top "Facebook-sdk-4.0" questions

Facebook sdk 4.0 is latest set of API for facebook developers.

Why am I getting an error regarding Bolts framework and FacebookSDK when I'm not even using Bolts?

Getting this error framework not found Bolts for architecture x86_64 Followed Facebook's guide word for word, but the only place …

ios swift facebook facebook-sdk-4.0
Facebook AccessToken.getAccessToken is null on opening of app even after first login

I have integrated latest Facebook android sdk (Sdk 4.0). This is the code I have added in my onCreate method. FacebookSdk.…

android facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-android-sdk facebook-sdk-4.0
Facebook Native Share Dialog in swift

I am trying to create share button which will share a link on Facebook. The problem is that I do …

ios facebook swift facebook-graph-api facebook-sdk-4.0
FBSDKShareDialog doesn't share Photo without Facebook App installed, IOS

I am using Facebook SDK 4.0, I am using FBSDKShareDialog to share …

ios facebook facebook-ios-sdk facebook-sdk-4.0
How to logout user using Facebook authentication using Swift and iOS?

I've tried searching around but I can't find the answer to my question. I'm playing around with this application from …

ios swift facebook facebook-sdk-4.0
No such module 'FBSDKCoreKit' XCODE 7.4

I am trying to add the Facebook login feature using FBSDKCoreKit and FBSDKLogin. When I try to import these two …

ios swift facebook-sdk-4.0 xcode7-beta4
FBSDKLoginManager with FBSDKLoginBehaviorWeb failing with "Not Logged In" error

Something must have changed recently on Facebook's servers regarding how they process login requests because this used to be working …

facebook-login facebook-ios-sdk facebook-sdk-4.0
swift 2 parse facebookSDK ios9

I am trying to Log In a user via Facebook. In the previous version of swift 1.2 everything worked perfectly, but …

parse-platform facebook-sdk-4.0 swift2
Xcode memory warning - could not load any Objective-C class information

I've been getting this error only on an old iPhone4s while logging the user with Facebook and Parse. When …

swift parse-platform facebook-sdk-4.0 memory-warning