Top "Facebook-sdk-4.0" questions

Facebook sdk 4.0 is latest set of API for facebook developers.

Enabling Chrome Custom Tabs for Facebook login using Android SDK

I am using Facebook SDK version 4.11.0 in my app. As per the steps outlined on the Official docs page, I …

android facebook facebook-android-sdk facebook-sdk-4.0 chrome-custom-tabs
Facebook Android sdk Game Request Dialog shows "Game Requests are only available to games"

I'm updating my android app to the latest Facebook SDK (4.0.0). When I create a GameRequestDialog, it shows me this message: "…

android facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-sdk-4.0 facebook-requests
Facebook SDK 4.0 ShareDialog

I want to share an image from my Android app using facebook SDK 4.0. I got it to work with ShareDialog, …

android facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-sdk-4.0 facebook-share
FBSDKAppInviteDialog in Facebook iOS SDK version 4.0.1 invite successfully sent, but no notifications received

With the new Facebook SDK 4.0.1, I have implemented below in my "Invite to App" button: FBSDKAppInviteContent *content =[[FBSDKAppInviteContent alloc] initWithAppLinkURL:[…

ios objective-c facebook facebook-sdk-4.0