Top "Facebook-sdk-4.0" questions

Facebook sdk 4.0 is latest set of API for facebook developers.

Logout from Facebook programmatically iOS

I am trying to logout from Facebook programmatically without using FBSDKLoginButton i had search how could I do i found …

ios objective-c facebook facebook-sdk-4.0
FBSDKLoginManager logInWithReadPermissions?

I'm using FBSDKLoginButton to allow to user login using Facebook and using FBSDKLoginButton.readPermissions = @[@"public_profile",@"email",@"user_likes",@"email",@"…

ios objective-c facebook facebook-ios-sdk facebook-sdk-4.0
How to change the height of the 'Log in with Facebook' button?

I already tried several answers I could find but none of them worked with the latest Facebook Android SDK version 4.0. …

android facebook android-xml facebook-login facebook-sdk-4.0
ios facebook sdk 4.0 login error code 304

I've just updated facebook sdk v4.0 and according the tutorial of Using Custom Login UIs -(IBAction)facebookLoginClick:(id)sender { …

ios objective-c facebook-sdk-4.0
iOS facebookSDK get user full details

Iam using the last FBSDK (using swift) // MARK: sign in with facebook func signInWithFacebook() { if (FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken() != nil) { // User is …

ios swift facebook-sdk-4.0 details
Facebook SDK 4.0.1 Login without login button

I'm trying to log in without using login button. I followed facebook tutorial but i can not get it work, …

android facebook-login facebook-sdk-4.0
Facebook SDK v4 LoginButton ignores XML customizations

The new Facebook SDK for Android (v4.0) that was released recently caused strange behavior for a customized LoginButton I'm using. …

android user-interface facebook-sdk-4.0
How to get the logged user's email address with Graph Request in Facebook Android sdk 4.0

I'm trying to get the user's email address once he's logged into my Android app with Facebook (sdk 4.0). I've read …

android facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-sdk-4.0
FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h file not found error react-native ios

Try to install Facebook SDK to react natiove IOS. I have FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h file not found error and spent …

react-native facebook-sdk-4.0 react-native-ios
Parse invalid session token (Code: 209, Version: 1.7.1)

I have just update both my Parse and Facebook SDK's (1.7.1 and 4.0 respectively) - both were an absolute pain to get …

ios objective-c facebook parse-platform facebook-sdk-4.0