FBSDKAppInviteDialog in Facebook iOS SDK version 4.0.1 invite successfully sent, but no notifications received

Roy picture Roy · Apr 7, 2015 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

With the new Facebook SDK 4.0.1, I have implemented below in my "Invite to App" button:

FBSDKAppInviteContent *content =[[FBSDKAppInviteContent alloc] initWithAppLinkURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://fb.me/1111111111"]];
content.previewImageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://someImage.jpg"];

[FBSDKAppInviteDialog showWithContent:content

By clicking the button, it successfully direct me to my Facebook app, I could pick my friends and type invite message, and the invites are sent (with a success tick at the end of the progress bar).

When I check appInviteDialog:(FBSDKAppInviteDialog *)appInviteDialog didCompleteWithResults:(NSDictionary *)results, the result is didComplete = 1. However, I could not see any notifications on my friends Facebook (which have not installed my app) or on Test User account Facebook. I am deeply frustrated with this, so any help is much appreciated.

A few more questions, I have put in my appID in the Facebook generated applink although my iOS app is still in development. Do I need a released valid appID for the applink to test the app invite function on Facebook? And does my Facebook app need to be reviewed and approved to test the app invite function with my friends? Thanks.


gambogo picture gambogo · Apr 11, 2015

You can visit the link below. i have the same problem and this must help

Facebook App Invites iOS SDK v4.0 configuration and states

  1. You invited Facebook user who already used your app
  2. Must be a live Apple App id in App Setting Facebook
  3. If user already installed your app. you can assign them as a tester then they always receive your notification.

Hope this help :)