Top "Facebook-app-requests" questions

Send Facebook App Request/Invite using Graph Api

I have the following code that would get ur friends list using graph api function getFriendsList(){ $response = $this->api(…

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App requests successful, but no notification shown

I am using the normal setup for sending invites through the requests dialogue: FB.ui( { method: 'apprequests', message: "Please add …

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Facebook App Invite, Invite Friends

I switched to Facebook 4.0 in order to implement AppInviteDialog for Android. I followed this reference. The dialog appears, I can …

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how to read facebook signed_request to get user_id

According to Facebook - Authentication within a Canvas Page Document, they say that we will be getting a signed_request …

php facebook facebook-authentication facebook-canvas facebook-app-requests
Facebook login api return user email address

I am trying to implement a facebook login onto my website. I can get all the relevant data I need …

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presentRequestsDialogModallyWithSession does not work, but gives good result

When I use the webdialog for a friendrequest, everything is going fine, except no request or anything is made. The …

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