Send App request to all friends in Facebook using 'Requests Dialog' in Android

Gugan picture Gugan · Jan 16, 2013 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

I want to know how to send app request to all my facebook friends from android app. I tried in graph API. But, couldn't get it done.,friend2&message='Hi'&method=post&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

I know this is a Duplicate question. But, couldn't find an answer yet. I'm getting this error on the above API.

"All users in param ids must have accepted TOS."

I hope there will be a way to send app request to all friends from mobile on a click. Please share it.


Somnath Muluk picture Somnath Muluk · Jan 21, 2013

The error message you receive ("All users in param ids must have accepted TOS") is because you are trying to send an app generated request to a user who is not connected to your app.

See the developer docs here.

Requests sent with the request dialog and app generated requests are different and you can't use app generated requests to invite users to your app.

Sending Facebook app requests are not available via the graph api. You can use the app requests java-script dialog to send the request though, you would just need to specify the user's id in the "to" property as detailed in the documentation.

Sample function:

  FB.init({ appId: '**appId**', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml : true });

  function sendRequest(to) {
    FB.ui({method: 'apprequests', to: to, message: 'You should learn more about this awesome site.', data: 'tracking information for the user'});
    return false;

Then just wire an onclick for each image to something like onclick="return sendRequest('**friendId**');"

Also you can call this function in javascript: It will give you all friends with photos. Also group of friends who are currently using same app. You can send request to any of them.

function sendRequestViaMultiFriendSelector() {
        method: 'apprequests',
        message: "You should learn more about this awesome site."

See Facebook Friend Request - Error - 'All users in param ids must have accepted TOS'