Top "Apprequests" questions

App requests successful, but no notification shown

I am using the normal setup for sending invites through the requests dialogue: FB.ui( { method: 'apprequests', message: "Please add …

facebook apprequests invite facebook-app-requests facebook-invite
Avoiding error 100: invalid parameter (requires valid redirect URI) in application requests dialog

I'm developing a game for Facebook. I need a way for users to invite others to the game. For that, …

facebook dialog apprequests
Creating facebook apprequests

I'm trying to send a message from an app to a user when a specific event happens. Right now I …

facebook facebook-graph-api apprequests
How to Send App request to facebook friends through facebook iOS sdk?

I am using facebook sdk for my my iOS facebook application. I want to send app request to multiple users. …

facebook-graph-api graph dialog apprequests facebook-ios-sdk
how to send a facebook game request in php

OK i know there is tons of documentation out there for using a request form and that is not my …

php facebook apprequests
Notification for facebook app requests not showing up

I created an application for a website and gave it a site url. (The site url is actually not real. …

facebook-javascript-sdk apprequests
Facebook requests dialog not showing message to recepient

If I invoke this: FB.ui({ method: 'apprequests', title: 'Who would you like to invite?', message: 'Hello there' }); The …

facebook dialog apprequests